Monthly Archives - September 2018

Cladding Audit Australia-Wide

As a follow-up to the Grenfell tower disaster in the UK in 2017, Australian states and territories have been taking up the responsibility of risk mitigation to prevent similar disaster locally by addressing the issue of combustible cladding in buildings. The Victorian Statewide Cladding Audit has been headed up by the Victorian Building Authority (VBA) since its commencement in December 2017, and it has been targeting combustible cladding, such as expanded polystyrene or aluminium composite panels with a polyethylene core. One [...]

Residential Asbestos Disposal & Removal Services Melbourne South

Asbestos Walls South Melbourne

Asbestos Walls in South Melbourne A&B Asrem Pty. Ltd. recently completed the removal of asbestos walls in a South Melbourne school. The bathroom walls in the showers were made of asbestos, which traditionally has not been unusual, but the situation required immediate attention from our professionals because asbestos walls are a risk to health. Although there are a fair few things and places where the presence of asbestos are surprising, during the postwar construction boom between the 1940s-1980s, it was normal in [...]

Residential Asbestos Disposal & Removal Services Melbourne

Surprising Products That Have Contained Asbestos Throughout The Years

Surprising Products Containing Asbestos You are probably already aware many old homes contain asbestos (and that is why our asbestos removal Melbourne professionals work hard at removing asbestos from your home), but it’s also important to keep in mind other items asbestos can been found in. What are some other ways asbestos has been used in the past? Our list of surprising products containing asbestos may shock you! 1. Prop Snow White asbestos is very reminiscent of snow, so it was commonly [...]

Residential Asbestos Disposal & Removal Services Melbourne

Top 5 Asbestos Disasters of All Time

Asbestos is a dangerous material – there is no debating that. Asbestos disasters can occur in a range of ways, from fires to earthquakes, hurricanes and more. With an estimated 107,000 – 112,000 asbestos-related deaths worldwide by 2016, as stated by the World Health Organization and International Labour Organization, this is a serious problem.  We dive deep into the worst asbestos incidents exploring the top 5 asbestos disasters of all time. We also give insight on what to do [...]