Monthly Archives - October 2018

Residential Cladding Asbestos Disposal & Removal Services Melbourne | Suburban

Cladding Asbestos Removal – Suburban

In a recent suburban asbestos removal project, our role was to remove affected cladding safely and efficiently. Following the buzz surrounding the Australia-wide cladding audit, we have been quick to support this type of cladding asbestos removal. We’re able to do so even in a residential setting such as this project. Asbestos used to be popular to use in cladding because of its benefits. It was cheap, heat resistant and even fireproof. While it makes sense that these benefits had [...]

Residential Garage Asbestos Disposal & Removal Services Melbourne South East | Brighton

Garage Asbestos Removal Brighton

A&B Asrem Pty. Ltd. got a call for another suburban asbestos removal last week in relation to some garage asbestos in Brighton. The lovely Mr. Walker came to us in a panic when he discovered that the garage on his property had been invaded by asbestos. Understanding how serious of matter asbestos is, we rushed right over. Mr. Walker came across the dangerous substance while he was doing some spring cleaning and preparing for the warm summer to come. Being [...]