The Six Types of Asbestos

Asbestos Types | Asbestos Disposal & Removal Services Melbourne

The Six Types of Asbestos

Even though asbestos is considered one deadly and dangerous fibre, there are actually six different types of asbestos. Each is slightly varied in their way, but are all dangerous if inhaled, that’s why it’s crucial to get asbestos removal services. Just in case you find yourself face to face with asbestos and need to know the differences between the types, here are the six types, broken down into two different sections:

First, there are ones used in commercial properties and are highly dangerous.


Asbestos Types | Asbestos Testing & Disposal MelbourneThe most commonly used asbestos during construction. It is coloured in clear white and noted for its long and curly fibres. Very dangerous if exposed to.


Asbestos Types | Asbestos Testing & Disposal Melbourne

Noted for its straight brown colour, this asbestos material is found mostly in insulation products. It contains traces of iron and magnesium and is still dangerous. Second-most used asbestos behind chrysotile.


Known as the most lethal asbestos, and its sharp blue colour, crocidolite, has been used for reinforcing plastics. If found in materials, it can easily break and become dust in the air.

Now, there are ones that are not being used in commercial products but can still be found in contaminated sections.Asbestos Types | Asbestos Testing & Disposal Melbourne


Asbestos Types | Asbestos Testing & Disposal Melbourne

Found in products made with vermiculite and talc. Noted for its brown colour. Still very dangerous if inhaled, but according to some, not as damaging as other asbestos fibres.


Asbestos Types | Asbestos Testing & Disposal Melbourne

Similar to anthophyllite, this type of material was not used in commercial practices, but rather found in vermiculite products. It comes in a range of colours, including white, grey and brown.


Asbestos Types | Asbestos Testing & Disposal Melbourne

Known for its dark green fibres. Much like the two materials listed above, this type of asbestos is often as a contaminant within other commercial asbestos products.

Contact Us

At A&B Asrem, we provide professional asbestos removal services in Melbourne and its surrounding areas such as McKinnonBentleigh, Caulfield and Carnegie. At A&B Asrem we are fully licensed and are able to conduct asbestos testing, inspection and removal in a safe and timely manner. Asbestos is a highly dangerous material, so contact us today if you even suspect that you may have asbestos in your home.

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