Asbestos Dangers-What Are They?
Unfortunately, the reason for the concern regarding asbestos in homes and buildings is the health risks and dangers. Asbestos is a material that was used throughout the 1940s to 1980s for the construction of homes and buildings thanks to its so-called many benefits.
But dangers and health risks of asbestos are now evident, and if you suspect that your home might be infested with the dangerous mineral fibre, it is essential that you contact professional removalists, such as A&B Asrem, to remove it for you. Leaving it can seriously endanger the life of you and your family.
So, what are the dangers of asbestos exposure?
If you inhale or are exposed to asbestos, you face the following health risks:
Asbestosis, which is the scarring of your lung’s tissue. It will make it difficult for your body to transfer oxygen into your blood. This has serious long-term issues.
Mesothelioma, a rare and often fatal cancer of the outer lung. This type of illness usually takes 30 to 40 years to settle and become evident. Once discovered, it is usually fatal for people.
Lung cancer. Much like smoking, this type of cancer can only be detected when it is in its advanced state and therefore it offers too late to be saved.
Many other lung illnesses, including pleural effusions (an abnormal collection of fluids between your chest and lungs) and pleural plaques (an altering of the membranes around your lungs), can also occur if you inhale asbestos.
While the degrees of these illnesses vary depending on the amount and the consistent level of exposure to asbestos, a small or minor inhale of the material could be enough to cause damage or begin the slow process of lung damage.
Asbestos is a dangerous fibre that should not be treated lightly. It is essential that you contact professionals to help you remove the fibre and keep you and your family safe.
Contact Us
At A&B Asrem, we provide professional asbestos removal services in Melbourne and its surrounding areas such as McKinnon, Bentleigh, Caulfield and Carnegie. At A&B Asrem we are fully licensed and are able to conduct asbestos testing, inspection and removal in a safe and timely manner. Asbestos is a highly dangerous material, so contact us today if you even suspect that you may have asbestos in your home.